story 1

I’ve worked at 3 start-ups and at all of them I’ve worked long, grueling hours with the most recent one I was doing at least 65 hours a week (typically longer especially with a 3+ hour commute). I became severely burned out to the point where I didn’t want to look for work or do much of anything. I was depressed and had severe anxiety. I went to the hospital with an anxiety attack so strong that I literally thought I was having a heart attack and was going to die in front of my two year old (I was trying to explain to her what to do if daddy passes out). My chest was in pain, my arm numb; I still don’t understand how it wasn’t a heart attack because of how intense it felt.
I eventually took some time off and started interviewing at various places. Shortly after taking time off I was told that the founders felt I wasn’t "working fast enough" and was fired. I had never been fired from a job before and I contest their reasoning but secretly felt incredible relief to the point where I barely even argued, I just packed up my stuff and left with a smile on my face.
Now I’m working at a place with fantastic work life balance.

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